First the back....we ended up not doing concrete down the side because we had so much crushed rock left over from doing the back (for under fake grass) that we filled up nearly half of the side. So it was more crushed rock to finish depth correctly and then Tuscan topping. We've also done a Tuscan topping path along the back of the house so when we (finally) get the grass you won't have to walk on it and can get the other side of the house via the path. Also a very small shed, just to get the minimal gardening stuff out of the garage.
Pebbles outside the laundry....too windy to use anything else!

Some plants......

A shed for umpa lumpa's

Tuscan topping out back...

Down the side...Tuscan topping and a start on some greenery.....

And now the front garden...we're pretty happy with it....the best was a0 we didn't have to do it and b) they also used Tuscan topping so the path matches what we did down the side. Only down side is that it does look a little bare at the moment....the plants need to mature and we didn't realise we picked a tree that would be bare in winter! We just picked it because out of the choices it would grow to be the smallest. They gave you a few different designs and we picked "contemporary".
In progress....

By the garage...fence guys still need to fix fence so it comes to the front of garage...been saying it would be done for the past two weeks and that's after me chasing it for 4 weeks before that!!!

From the driveway....

All of it....just the decking on porch to do at the front now...